Chandler's Grove
Methodist Church

2535 Blaine Road
We Invite you to Join Us for Worship​
Every Sunday Morning at 10:30am​
New London, NC 28127
at Badin Lake​
Frequently Asked Questions Chandler's Grove UMC

I'm new to the Badin Lake area and looking for a church.
And we are looking for you! We welcome you to the area and invite you to come worship with us on Sunday morning at 10:30am.
Is there a place for me at Chandler's Grove?
Yes there is! We encourage you to explore all the different ministries, opportunities and traditions of this web page. We are confident that we have a place for you in God's work.
What type of worship service will I experience at Chandler's Grove UMC?
Our worship service is centered on the preaching of God's word for God's people, directly from the Bible. Our congregational singing is from the United Methodist Hymnal. Our choir will sing a mixture of old and new songs and some music with a Southern Gospel feel. The special music as brought by an individual or small group is up to the leadership of the Holy Spirit. Our services will run on average of one hour and 15 minutes.
I have a young child. Is there a nursery available?
Yes we provide a nursery for infants and additional services, age appropriate, for all the children.
I am a very shy person, will I be singled out as a visitor?
No, at Chandler's Grove we do not consider anyone a visitor or an outsider. We are all brothers and sisters in Christ our Savior. We are a friendly and loving church that welcomes you with open arms. We can promise you a warm greeting to the service.
Do I need to park in a special visitors area?
No, as we do not consider you a visitor there is no need to concern yourself about parking in a particular spot. Our Greeters will be at the front doors to welcome you to our church and to show you the church facilities.
Do you have handicap parking spaces available?
Yes, we have ample handicap parking at each entrance for your special needs. If you need access with a wheelchair, we have a ramp at our front door as well as ground level entry at out rear doors.
Do you have programs for Youth Ministries?
Yes, the Chandler's Grove Youth Fellowship. The youth meet on Saturday afternoons from 2 -4:30pm but is currently suspended.
I'm really not a Methodist, will I feel out of place at Chandlers Grove UMC?
Not at all! Many of our congregation are from different denominations. Baptist, Presbyterians, Lutheran, Catholic, Wesleyan, Episcopalian and a few more to be certain. We are a “patchwork” church – people with different church backgrounds “woven together” by God’s grace. The Unity of the Spirit of God allows us to focus on what we agree upon and focus on the true mission of the Church, to win the lost to Christ.
I work week-ends, do you have a mid-week service I can attend?
Yes we have our Wednesday evening Bible study at 6:30pm in our Fellowship Hall. We have a time of fellowship, devotion, praise and prayer. Typically we have a small group of 20 to 40 members attend the service. All are welcomed to join us.
How many people attend Chandler's Grove UMC?
We currently have a membership of 168 members. Some of which are not able to be with us every Sunday. On average we have 90 people in a typical worship service.
Do I need to "Dress Up" to attend?
No! Dressing up is not a requirement to worship with us at Chandler's Grove. Some do wear their “Sunday best” but you’re also likely to see someone in slacks and a casual shirt, or even jeans. We believe the most important part about Sunday morning is showing up, ready to worship God.
What do Methodist Believe?
We believe that the Bible is God's written word and is the final authority on all spiritual and personal relationships with Him. As a denomination we have two sacraments: communion and baptism. For a deeper understanding into what Methodist believe, please visit the UMC web site at this Link.